
Rules for Abstract Preparation

  • Abstracts will be accepted in the form of summary text, and the congress abstract summary template will be used for abstract submission. You can submit your abstract to the scientific committee by clicking on the online abstract submission system and following the necessary steps.
  • Abstracts will be collected through the online paper abstract system. Abstracts sent by email will not be considered for evaluation.
  • Academic titles should not be used in author names.
  • The entire abstract, excluding the title, author's name, and surname, should not exceed 500 words.
  • The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work must be specified.
    E.g., University of X, Faculty of X, Department of X, City.
  • If abbreviations are used in the abstract, the full name of the abbreviation should be indicated in parenthese
  • - Click for the sample template.You can add references and acknowledgments in the "Step 6 / 10: Abstract" section below the abstract in the submission system.

Rules for Poster Preparation

  • The dimensions of the poster should be 70 (horizontal) x 90 (vertical) cm, and posters should be in one page.
  • A margin of 2 cm should be left from the top, bottom, right, and left edges of the poster page.
  • All texts on the posters should be presented in an easily readable font. The title of the poster should be written in 60-font size and bold, and care should be taken not to exceed two lines for the title. Author names and contact addresses should be 30-font size and bold, and other sections should use letters of 16-18 font size, and the presenting author's name should be underlined.
  • The text should be presented in two columns with shapes interspersed.
  • Section headings in the text should be written in 24-font size and bold.

There is no color limitation in preparing posters, and an emphasis should be placed on using color shapes and photos that enhance visual appeal. Characters in the figures should be of a suitable size for easy readability, and the same characters should be preferred in all figures. Figures should be presented in sizes that can be easily seen from a distance.

The papers presented at the congress can submit articles to the following journals after the congress:

  • Journals of the Turkish Chemical Society
    • You can submit your articles for review to the Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society, Section A: Chemistry (JOTCSA) after the 36th National Chemistry Congress. Since this issue, the JOTCSA journal has implemented an APC fee policy. Each article published in this journal will be subject to a 50 USD APC fee. For detailed information, please visit the journal's website (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/jotcsa) . For further inquiries, please send an email to [email protected]. We wish you a productive and successful congress.
  • Journal of innovative engineering and naturel science