Önder Metin

Konuşma Başlığı : Heterojen (Foto)Katalizli Karbon-Hidrojen (C-H) Bağ İşlevselleştirilmesi Yolu ile Heterosiklik Bileşiklerin Sürdürülebilir Sentezi

Department of Chemistry, College of Sciences, Koç University, İstanbul, Türkiye.

Dr. Önder Metin received his Ph.D. degree from Department of Chemistry, Middle East Technical University in 2010. He studied as a visiting scholar at Department of Chemistry, Brown University (Rhode Island/USA) in 2009 and at Darmstadt Technical University, Germany in 2010. He then joined the Department of Chemistry, Brown University, U.S.A. as a post-doctoral research associate in 2012-2013. After working as a faculty member of Department of Chemistry at Atatürk University for 7 years, he moved to Koç University, Department of Chemistry in 2018. He received numerous scientific awards including the most prestigious ones, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) “Research Encouragement Award”(TÜBİTAK Teşvik) in 2017, Turkish Academy of Sciences “The Highly Successful Young Scientists Award” (TÜBA-GEBİP) in 2014, Science Academy “The Outstanding Young Scientists Award (BAGEP)” in 2017, ODTÜ Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. PARLAR Education and Research Foundation Awards “Research Encouragement Award”, 2013, The 9th of Serhat ÖZYAR‘Young Scientist of the Year Prize’ in 2011 and several others. He has been an elected associate member of Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) since 2018. He has served as the Vice-President of the Turkish Chemical Society, the Secretary General of Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS) since 2023 and Titular Member of IUPAC Division II-Inorganic Chemistry. He has also served as the Associate Editor of the Turkish Journal of Chemistry,  Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing), Tungsten (Springer Nature) and cMAT (Elsevier) journals. His research interests are rational design and synthesis of transition metal nanoparticles, 2D materials, nanocomposites and their applications in nanocatalysis, photocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, electrocatalysis, hydrogen storage, fuel cells, rechargeable lithium batteries, green chemistry and sustainable chemical transformations. He has published over than 145 scientific papers (>9600 citations and h-index= 49) in mostly high impact journals.